Terms & Conditions

Cricket tots sessions will run throughout the year, located in indoor venues and each session will last for 40 minutes. The term will (usually) consist of one session per week for 8 weeks. Your confirmation will include all the details of date, time and venue.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully as they shall be deemed to be accepted by the Parent and the Carer once the box is ticked on the Booking Form and confirmation of payment of Fees has been received by Cricket tots.


In the terms and conditions below the use of “us/we/our” refers to M. Brennan Ltd. T/A Cricket tots Blackburn (hereafter referred to as “Cricket tots”).

A reference to “you” is as the parent/carer of the child participating in the Cricket tots sessions.

Changing Classes: Times and Venues

Occasionally there may be a need for Cricket tots to change the venue or time of your class. This will be avoided where possible however on the occasion that this is necessary notice will be given. If a venue has closed or if the numbers in a class have become too small alternative options will be offered. In this event Cricket tots will not be responsible for any additional travel expenses you may accrue.

Adverse Weather

If there is inclement weather and the coach is able to attend the session, the session will take place. If however the venue is shut or the coach is unable to get to the venue we will organise a catch up session or a refund of that session. We regret we are unable to offer alternative sessions or a refund if you chose not to attend the session during the period of inclement weather.

Taking Payment and Rebooking

Payment is to be made in full prior to the term starting. If payment is not received by the commencement of the term then a space in the session will not be allocated to you and your provisional space may be re-allocated. If payment is made by cheque please allow a period of time for the cheque to be allocated as cleared funds.

Provision of Membership Packs

As part of your Cricket tots membership you are provided with a membership pack which includes a Cricket tots bottle, Cricket tots T-shirt and a Cricket tots gym bag. We shall bring the membership pack to your first session. If at any point you wish to replace any of the items please call the office to enquire about prices. Cricket tots will not supply any of the items free of charge unless any item is deemed defective.

Refunds and Cancellations

It is important to note that Cricket tots is under no obligation and will not refund either in part or in whole the course fees should your child fall ill. If an illness precludes your child from attending sessions for three consecutive weeks and with the support of a medical certificate a credit will be applied to the following terms fees. If in the event you do not rebook for the following term the fee for the sessions missed will be refunded within 5 days of the term ending.


Where possible the same coach will be running the weekly session however there may be occasions where that is not possible. Cricket tots therefore retains the right to change the coaching staff where necessary (with or without notice). All lead Cricket tots coaches will be ECB Level 1 qualified (as a minimum). Occasionally there may be trainee coaches observing or participating in the sessions, this is part of the training programme that our coaches participate in.

Parent/Carer Obligation

Please ensure that all information provided to the Cricket tots office is up to date and valid at all times. All responsibility for the child participating in the session remains with the parent/carer during the session and whilst on the premises. This relates to general conduct and care. All parents/carers must remain on site before and during the session. Please do not attend a class if you or your child is suffering with an illness which could be infectious or contagious and anything similar.

Medical Conditions

Please note any medical conditions at the point of entry or update the office if any medical conditions become apparent. This includes any behavioural disorders. All information will be kept strictly confidential.

Data Protection

All data provided will be collected and held in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Data Protection and GDPR laws. By providing your details you agree to the holding of this data for the purposes of running a successful Cricket tots session.

Health and Safety

The health and safety of you, your child and the Cricket tots coaches is paramount. Please ensure that all rules of the venue and the sessions are adhered to.

It is an important part of the Cricket tots session that all participants wear suitable attire - where possible please send your child in their Cricket tots t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms, shorts or leggings. Suitable trainers / footwear must be worn. Please remove all jewellery (necklaces, earrings, bracelets etc) from your child for the sessions.


The content of the Cricket tots sessions have been carefully developed to ensure that your child has a fun but progressive experience. The content of the session must not be divulged to a company who may operate in a similar or same activity as Cricket tots. Any material supplied must not be reproduced in any way either by you or by a third party to whom you are connected.


Cricket tots is committed to ensuring good safeguarding principles and practice in every aspect of its operation. If you have a question or concern regarding child welfare please contact the office and ask to speak to the Cricket tots welfare officer.

Video and Photography

We may sometimes take photos of the sessions as they are taking place. We may use these images on our own social media platforms. If at any time you don't wish us to take photos of your child please do let us know immediately.

Please note that we do not allow any videoing of the Cricket tots sessions or the reproduction of any of our lessons in any form.

Whilst we understand you may wish to take photos of your child taking part in a Cricket tots session we would ask you to please remain sensitive to the feelings of others. If a parent/carer of another child is not comfortable with photos being taken please desist immediately. Cricket tots cannot be held liable for the actions of third parties and excludes therefore any liability arising from a breach of this section by any party.

Withdrawal of Service

There is an expectation that all parents and carers of the children attending the sessions will act in an appropriate way. If there is a feeling that there is too much coaching from the side lines or unreasonable involvement in the session in any way Cricket tots reserves the right to ask you to leave the course with immediate effect.

Limitation of Liability

In the absence of a lack of due diligence, breach of duty or the proven negligence by the Cricket tots coaches or employees the participation at sessions by you, your child and for those that are in your care is done so entirely at your and their risk.

This contract shall be governed by English law.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

Cricket tots reserves the right to make changes/updates to these terms and conditions. If there are changes we will publish these on our website and email you. Whilst of course you are at liberty to not accept the updated terms and conditions we would ask that you write to us within 14 days of receipt notifying us of your non-acceptance. If no written non-acceptance communication is received Cricket tots will be entitled to believe that your agreement with us is as set out in the new terms and conditions.


I have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions as stated above. I will update you of new contact details or any medical conditions as necessary.

I understand that by accepting these terms and conditions I will abide by the rules and regulations in respect of health and safety and behaviour whilst attending a Cricket tots session.

These Terms & Conditions shall be deemed to be accepted by the Parent and the Carer once the box is ticked on the Booking Form and confirmation of payment of Fees has been received by Cricket tots.

Cricket tots is a trading name. Registered in England & Wales. No.109281507 Registered office. Milsted Langdon, Bristol Office, Freshford House, Redcliffe Way, Bristol, BS1 6NL.

Summer Sessions:

All paragraphs above will apply to the summer sessions however additionally please be aware of the following:

If a session has to be cancelled due to inclement weather then we will use our best endeavours to contact all clients prior to the sessions starting. Communication will be via telephone, text or email. If a session is cancelled prior to the start time a full refund will be given.

Cancelled between 0 – 15 minutes of the session being run 100% refund

Cancelled between 15 - 30 minutes of the session being run 75% refund

Cancelled between 30 - 45 minutes of the session being run 25% refund

Cancelled with 15 minutes of the end of the session being run 0% refund

It is important to remind all parents/carers that you must stay on site during the course of the summer session. It is not permitted to leave your child unattended.